12-Week Virtual Course
Basic (weeks 1-4)
“Name” and “Watch Me” Game
Loose Leash Walking with the Auto Sit when stopped
Sit - Door Dashing Prevention
Stay - 6 feet away for 10 seconds
Down - 6 feet away for 10 seconds
Recall to a Sit position from 6 feet
Owner can take away a treat or toy
Distractions presented 10 feet away
Teething and Housebreaking is addressed as needed privately
Intermediate (weeks 5-8)
Loose Leash Walking/Auto Sit with direction changes, right, left, about turn and stop
Sit/Stay – 20 feet for 15 seconds
Down/Stay - 20 feet for 15 seconds
Recall to a Sit - from 10 feet away
Dog walks past a distraction
Leave it - with food or objects in hand or on the floor
Drop it - dog drops whatever is in their mouth
Advanced (weeks 9-12)
Loose Leash Walking/Auto Sit with direction and speed changes, normal, slow and fast
Sit/Stay - out of sight for 3 mins
Down/Stay - out of sight for 3 mins
Dog walks past a moving and or noisy distraction and does not pull
Leave it - Dog walks by food and doesn’t pull owner
Recall to a Sit – Owner out of sight